About InsuranceKO
- Unlimited access to senior HR hotline consultants over the phone
- Unlimited access to the Everything HR website including HR library, HR analysis calculator, Federal and 50 state HR topic analysis, FSLA and CA exemption audit tool and more
- Single position compensation data
- Sample Employee Handbooks
- Access to eTrainingPortal with (70) courses to support your growing staff
- (5) seats to online harassment prevention training suite
- No cost and low-cost webinars addressing a myriad of topics
- Weekly newsletter on critical HR news
To take advantage of this limited time offer, please contact: Christina Leininger at (909) 993-2218 or Franklin Garcia (President of InsuranceKO) at
(714) 224-4100
Whether you have a seasoned pro heading your HR staff or you wear that hat along with your other many responsibilities, your EverythingHR membership* will be a valuable resource to help you stay compliant, manage employer/owner risk effectively and operate smoothly
Thank you to our Sponsor: Southern California Regional Office of Aflac and its local Aflac professionals
In addition to receiving valuable support from EverythingHR, all Chamber of Commerce Members (regardless of employee count) will also receive a voluntary benefit program from Aflac. The program is voluntary and does not require a minimum purchase by you or your employees. Your business will benefit as follows:
- A cost-neutral benefit package that is highly desired by employees,
- A cost-neutral Section 125 Cafeteria plan, including plan documents
- A cost-neutral Medical Bill Saver value add for all your employees
- Savings in payroll taxes and on all expenses applied to gross wages
- A reduction in Workers Compensation claims and premiums